Success story of Yara Póvoa

Yara Póvoa, Mozambican, born in Maputo province, 33 years old, married and mother of two. Graduated in Industrial Engineering and Management, she currently holds the position of Deputy Manager of Social Performance and National Content (SPNC) at CCS JV, in Maputo.

Yara, tell us a little bit about yourself? And your professional career?
‘‘I come from a family of 3 sisters, I grew up in a Christian environment, surrounded by values, principles of life, love, mutual respect that helped me have a very happy childhood. My professional life started having done two internships during the last year of college with experience in different areas from management in NGO’s and the industrial part.’’

How does your story begin with CCS JV?
” In April 2015 during my first interview, I got an overview of what the Project would be like and in June of the same year, I started my career with CCS JV as Administrative Manager, having moved to the SPNC department in 2019. ”

Her professional career begins as an Administrative Manager and today Deputy Manager of the Social Performance and National Content department of the first oil and gas exploration consortium in the country CCS JV.

Do you believe that this position has an impact on your life and community?
‘‘As a woman, the project has showed me that I have more value and development capacity to achieve my professional goals. There are no limits! We can occupy management positions, make decisions, be autonomous and leaders.
I am proud to be a reference today to family, friends, and women in particular, through CCS JV.’’

Having completed a course that is perceived in our society as suitable for men, how do you think this course combined with your experience helps you to fulfill your role at CCS JV?
‘‘My course gave me visibility in different areas, from operational-technical to management and analysis. As it is a Project with several operational activities, interaction with different departments, I understand the methodologies and strategies applied, which allows me to make a more effective and efficient contribution.’’

Yara Administrative Manager and Yara Deputy Manager of SPNC, main differences … Years later?
‘‘Five years ago, I was less autonomous professionally. I learned to be more independent and to make decisions with greater management and leadership skills. Seeing the company’s success is a great motivation that has grown over the years and being part of that success in two ways: as a collaborator and as a Mozambican able to witness the development of my country.’’

What is YP’s opinion on the LNG Project for Mozambique, considering that the country is in the process of development? Does this project exceed your expectations?
‘‘I am very optimistic about this project and the positive impact that may arise from it. As a country that is still in its “growth” phase, I am sure that this Project will leverage its status, not only in economic terms but also in terms of job opportunities, training and knowledge acquisition that can be transferred to other projects and industries. National citizens will have access to cutting-edge technologies, thus opening a horizon of learning and greater competitiveness both in the national and international markets.’’

What is the message you would like to leave to anyone who is reading this story?
‘‘Have faith in God, above all.
I leave a special note for women:
Believe in yourself, in your strength, your capacity as professionals and as a crucial part in the development of Projects of this dimension.
The role of women is not only that of wife, mother and housewife.”