Our Approach

CCS JV focuses its corporate responsibility efforts in three main areas:

  • Conducting our business to the highest ethical standards;
  • Committing to making a positive impact upon the communities in which we operate through responsible environmental practices and community involvement; and
  • Providing a safe, healthy and hospitable work environment that embraces diversity and offers career development opportunities.

Ethical Business Practices

CCS JV is committed to conducting its business activities in accordance with high ethical standards. We operate according to international guiding principles, including:

  • United Nations (UN) Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights;
  • The UK Bribery Act
  • Foreign Corrupt Practises Act
  • Mozambique Anti-Corruption Law

Positive Social and Environmental Impact

For CCS JV, corporate responsibility means protecting the environment at our project sites. It also means improving the quality of life in the communities where we operate through community involvement, work force development initiatives, and using local suppliers when possible.

Responsible Workplace Practices

CCS JV is committed to treating every employee with respect and dignity and providing a safe, hospitable and quality work environment. We recognize that a motivated, well-trained, diverse workforce is a significant competitive advantage. We achieve this through:

  • Health and Safety training and education initiatives
  • Respecting Diversity & Cultural Awareness Training
  • Hospitable workplace polices
  • Employee development and training