Success story of Solenta Aviation Moçambique

Solenta Aviation Moçambique, is a Mozambican Public Limited Company No. 100374110, formed in August 14th, 2006.
In 2013 endured an additional investment by all shareholders, including Mozambicans, who hold 51% of the local stake and assets, including aircrafts that were imported and registered in Mozambique.

Can you describe Solenta’s contribution as a CCSJV subcontractor in this major LNG project?
“We became subcontractors of CCS JV with a 4-year contract.
Solenta’s contribution to the project is to ensure the safe and timely passage of all personnel associated with the LNG project from Pemba to Afungi and others.
Our role is to ensure that personnel travel logistics are prepared and carried out ahead of time with the least possible stress and disruption to the customer.” Said Brian Holmes, Managing Director

Is there any point of emphasis for Solenta regarding its contribution besides air logistics, looking at the economic development of Mozambique, through this partnership with CCS JV?
“Right now, Solenta has an ongoing contract with the Aero Club of Mozambique that has an ATO license, approved by the IACM to provide school training for all employees on the ground in the coming months.
This is one of our focal points, unfortunately the training was postponed due to the COVID-19 pandemic.
However, we are committed to the development of our entire team and we plan to train 10 ground workers.”


What are the current courses?
“The courses include:
1. Air safety induction training
2. Dangerous and Good CAT 6
3. Basic Technician
4. General aircraft recognition (ATR and ERJ)
5. Handling on the ground (ramp and load controller)
6. Air Side Safety (ADM)
7. FOO – Flight Operations Officer and other relevant courses.”

How many Mozambicans will receive these trainings? (the sum of 210 hours of training refers to all trainees)?
“Currently Solenta is committed to training 7 members of the Mozambican partner team, after each audit activity (the maximum you can train in one session is 20). Each training module requires 5 or 10 hours and the total number of hours per year spent on training local partners will be 210 hours. Thus, excluding the regular training of pilots and cabin crew, which will continue in cycle throughout the year.”


Speaking of necessary manpower, how does Solenta obtain its manpower for operations in the area of the website?
“In general, for the recruitment of personnel in the internship phase, the process takes place at the Universities. In the case of the unskilled and semi-qualified, the announcements are made internally, the word is passed through “word-of-mouth” and the interview process is carried out based on the pre-selection of candidates.
For management positions, recruitment is done through advertisements in local newspapers and direct hunting due to limitations in the professional market.
However, the management and most of Solenta Aviation Mozambique’s employees are Mozambicans, with the exception of pilots and engineers, although there are some Mozambican pilots trained by Solenta in South Africa.
In addition, we trained three more (national) pilots with EMB 145 type ratings and 8 (national) cabin crew members with cabin crew licenses, EMB145 and ATR type ratings. If we are successful with the contest, there is even more space to train 2 Mozambican pilots in ATR with type qualifications.” confirmed, Holmes.

Does Solenta currently work with any Mozambican partners/subcontractors?
“Yes, we work with potential Mozambican suppliers (> 51%), duly registered, such as SMS Catering, Base Handling Limited, Mozjet Limited, Lin Limpezas limited, Kaia Village, Strong Security, Puma/Petromoc, Francisco Umbure dispatcher, Limpers limited, SJ Services, W services, Toyota Mocambique and Mediplus.”

Does Solenta foresee business opportunities to increase its partnerships with Mozambican SMEs?
“Significant investment and development in the region should bring business opportunities for everyone. We believe that many SMEs in Mozambique could take advantage of the opportunities in this mega project, especially if the project prioritizes its incorporation into the LNG value chain and its life cycle.”

Would Solenta recommend small and medium companies in the international market for business opportunities?
“For sure, Mozambique has several motivated entrepreneurs, opportunities like the Mozambique LNG Project allow them to acquire professional exposure, greater experience, knowledge exchange all associated with work ethics and passion for their country’s economic development, which positions these companies for international commitments.”

Would you like to leave a message for small and medium-sized Mozambican companies?
“Companies must register themselves in the suppliers database of the LNG project, be aware of the requirements to be considered as suppliers, they must monitor closely the expressions of interest that are launched in various channels, including the CCS JV website, look for strong partners where there is a need and ensure that your company’s financial health is in order and above all, be patient and persistent, Solenta took four years to win its first contract in the oil and gas sector, but we did not give up ”, said, Holmes.