Success story of Moz Environmental Limited Ana Machengo – The Deputy Yard Supervisor

Moz Environmental Limited, part of the Interwaste group, operates in Mozambique with resources, equipment and management supported by international experts in different sectors, including oil and gas.
Currently employs more than 80% local workers in Afungi, Cabo Delgado duet to a contract signed with CCS JV, for the LNG Project.

We had the opportunity to talk to one of the employees of Moz Environmental Lda, Ana Machengo – The Deputy Yard Supervisor.

Ana, tell us a little about yourself and your actual role at Moz Environmental Lda?
“My name is Ana Iza Machengo, I am 25 years old, Mozambican.
I am currently working as a Deputy Yard Supervisor and Administrator for CCS JV’s sub-contractor Moz Environmental in the LNG Project in Afungi, Cabo Delgado.
My work requires a lot of attention and dedication from my side, I must constantly be on top and up to date with all the different documentation and procedures.’’

As Deputy Yard Supervisor and Administrator, what are your major responsibilities and how do you master them?
“My major responsibilities are to make sure the drivers understand their duties for the day and have all the correct paperwork for the trucks when they leave the yard. I also assist in toolbox talks with them to discuss topics of safety, operational improvement, and any other internal communication requirements.
My administrative work is to ensure that our vendors are correctly registered, reports are filed, waste logs are kept up to date, payments are processed, and all daily reports are submitted.”

Would you say that this opportunity with Moz Environmental Lda, has added value to your career over this time? In what way?
“I would say yes, my level of experience has increased since I joined Moz Environmental Lda, I have been able to exchange knowledge and learn with colleagues who are experts in a specific area.I have been able to benefit from short trainings on safety, document management, importance of communication which have enriched my capabilities and working with international companies improves our operating procedures which makes us meet our global standards.’’


With more than 80% of Mozambicans hired locally by Moz Environmental working on site in the district of Palma, what is Ana’s opinion on the LNG Project for Mozambique, considering that the country is in the process of development, with the objective to reduce the unemployment rate?
‘‘In my opinion, the LNG project for Mozambique should continue to meet the operational standards required in our country and provide more employment opportunities to local communities in the Palma district, as well as to other Mozambicans. It is a great opportunity for locals to develop their professional experiences, but also to learn from international experts so that they can grow professionally and have a positive social impact. This will help to reduce unemployment in the country and raise the economy even further.’’

What do you think people should know about the partnership between CCS JV and Moz Environmental Lda, with regards to development of our country?
“I would list some of the benefits of the partnership between Moz Environmental Lda and CCS JV as follows,
• Development of community programs, including investment in housing and education.
• Providing essential waste management services that help us preserve Cabo Delgado’s beautiful environment and creates jobs and work opportunities
• Creation of sustainable recycling projects to reduce waste and reuse different types of waste in the economy.
• Empower Mozambicans through training, education, and work experience.
• Improvements in urban waste management.
• Community awareness campaigns on the preservation and protection of Fauna and Flora.’’



Ana, did you participate in any training/qualification at Moz Environmental Lda?
“Yes, I already had different short training like Basic First Aid, Health and Safety Representative at work, Document management, Communication.”

Would you recommend a friend or family member to work at Moz Environmental? If there was an opportunity?
“Yes, I would recommend, it is a way to promote someone else´s career development.”