Success story of João Macaime

Affectionately known as “Madjermane” by his fellow colleagues, João Macaime is 51 years old and works as a Driver’s Coordinator and is a Driver himself, at Afungi, Palma District, Cabo Delgado.
João is a father of 5, with 3 grandchildren living in Maputo.
He worked in Germany as a crane and forklift operator for 3 years and he graduated in the area of private security for diplomats in Maputo.
In 2017 João worked for a CCSJV Subcontractor, as a non-permanent driver in Maputo and in 2019 the opportunity “finally came” João signed a permanent contract to be a driver for CCSJV in a large world class Project, in Palma, Mozambique.


João what was your first impression when you came to Site and now?
“The organization and rules really impressed me; the work environment, the zone was new, I think what’s to come is bigger than what I had imagined, since I arrived so much has changed already, everything changes every day, the infrastructure and the people.”

Do you think your experience in Germany helps you do your work here in Afungi?
“Yes, in German the company I worked for had different rules and policies and to comply with all I had to learn that commitment to work and respecting your work tools is very important, I gained discipline which I constantly apply here at Afungi. My previous experience has contributed for me to be where I am now.”

Can you describe your progress and marks?
“I started as a driver and now I coordinate all the other drivers, I am proud of my work, I am here early to verify schedules, to check if the cars are all clean and everyone is comfortable, I organize everything in an equal and fair manner, respecting the needs of all. Since my arrival to Afungi, I have had different trainings and inductions, I have learned a lot on security measures, including animal management, Healthy and Safety, my driving is also very different here, there are many rules I must abide by.”

What do you really like about your work?
“I drive people every day and each day I meet someone new, I learn more about the LNG Project, one day I wish,i will be prepared to be a  transport manager. I like to learn from others, constantly, I am very curious to new things.”

A message?
“Admiration comes from the way you deliver your work; the respect you have for others and the respect you have for your work tools.
I hope I will keep contributing to the project in the best way possible.”